Thursday, April 07, 2011

Wooley Before His Trimming.

IHG has a beard contest going on at her site , since I've trimmed mine back I didn't enter but for all you beard loving ya go. Now don't all you ladies start drooling and pawing at once. Har har har.


Willy D said...

What are those eyeballs I see in there? Are you hiding something?

WooleyBugger said...

So that's where she went Willy.

The beard is shorter and the hair much longer. 19 inch ponytail back there now. Need to grow the beard back out for balance. ;>)

Billy Jones said...

Dude, you're looking gray!

Lady R (Di) said...

That's a very handsome beard indeed! Maybe you should grow it long again... everybody needs balance in their life!

FLHX_Dave said...

Oh hell look better than I thought you would...why is everyone better looking than I am. WTF!

Kathleen Jennette said...

That's a pretty good looking beard there!!

WooleyBugger said...

Billy, just a little for that cultured look. I've earned them all too.

Hey Lady, balance is good isn't it. I need more of it.

FLHX_Dave, Hollywood makeup works wonders. Some ladies like the beard for ummm...the tickle.

KT Did, Well thanks. Riding with it in the wind is a weird feeling so I really know why dogs like hanging their head out the car windows.