Friday, June 03, 2011

Stop The Rape Of North Carolina Safe Drivers.

Over the last ten years North Carolina's safe drivers have paid out one billion dollars of hidden automobile insurance taxes. So what does that mean? It means the high risk drunk driver, speeder, reckless driver and other driving violation drivers are paying less than you do. Why? Because we pay the difference in hidden fees on our insurance rates to offset the funds for giving them lower rates. Think I'm bulling you? Go here and find out but I warn you, your going to be pissed .
To me this means unfair taxation in that it singles out and targets safe drivers instead of punishing unsafe drivers. They play we pay.


FLHX_Dave said...

See why no good deed goes unpunished? Heh...sheeeeaaattttt.

Mrs Road Captain said...

Of course it makes sense to them to charge you for the faults of the reckless...the safe and responsible will actually PAY their bills! Aaargh! Still doesn't make it right or fair...