Monday, August 12, 2013

New Riders

You know, I just don't get these new riders who have never, ever ridden before ask questions then do it their own way anyway. They get on these bikes that have to much power or weight and think because they can start it they can ride it. They think that all there is to it is twisting the throttle wide open and blasting down the straight-a-way. They think flip flops and shorts is appropriate riding gear, that burn outs and wheelies are what you do, stopping and turning is not an issue.
Bar height and seat height don't matter, big tall Ape hangers they believe is the ticket to great handling, super wide rear tires are perfect for cornering and who ever uses the front brake.
It ills me when someone asks a person with years of riding on different size powered motorcycles, on all sorts of terrain, wind, rain, snow, ice, daylight and night time, working their way up as experience grows, and then toss it all out the window that that person knows nothing.

Some people are just to hard headed to listen to advice that is given when asked. You think the Blue angels pilots just joined up one day to fly and the very next day they were turned loose in the skies? All because they had a Helmet and flight suit they must be a natural born pilot and need no instruction or advice.
I just bet this first time rider and bike owner on their 1000 cc will be laying in the ditch somewhere in three months or less, because they already know it all. They won't know what to do when coming to a turn or corner, won't know how to assess a situation before it's to late, won't know the proper procedure for braking with both brakes in a panic, they'll either use to much front or to much rear brake and not together. They'll wonder why those weeds are slapping their face and the pavement is ripping their skin to the bone and how they used to have ten toes.


Trobairitz said...

Sad isn't it? Why ask a veteran rider questions if 1 - you don't want to hear their answer and 2 - you aren't going to listen anyway.

I am amazed at how many new riders have to get the biggest and baddest machine out there.

All too often motorcycle crashes are single vehicle accidents with either speed and/or failure to negotiate a corner as the contributing factor.

Dar said...


I have never understood this mentality of some riders. I also don't understand the bigger is better mentality, it only ends up getting you hurt or killed. I am a firm believer in honing your skills as a new rider and that means a manageable bike & learning your road craft. I also don't understand the whole non-gear wearing motorcycling culture, personally I don't think sliding across pavement & having road rash scars is cool or sexy.

I know I haven't been riding long but I take the utmost care and common sense approach to riding. I started small, still ride my 500cc bike and practice my skills regularly AND when I ask advice from a long time rider I listen to what they are saying. I don't have any desire to own a huge high cc bike, I'm petite and huge bikes just don't work for me. After all its not the amount of cc's, its how you use them that counts :) For those who don't listen sometimes they have to learn by experience albeit painful sometimes.

Dar said...

PS the stolen scooter was found!