Mountain Riding Fun. If anyone wants to ride with us, come along this year. Not many take us up on it, guess they're skeered to ride the Python in Virginia. I have to tell you that when on the Python you must keep your wits about you, many turns are hairpin and I mean hairpin. Floorboard dragging turns if your bike has them so when a curve sign says fifteen mph your best is to do fifteen mph. We also take scenic leisurely routes through gorgeous country that anyone who rides can enjoy.

Just a few fall pictures from a fun ride with a brother.

Just a few fall pictures from a fun ride with a brother.
Sounds like a beautiful road. I am looking forward to getting out on the bikes a little more this summer. We are hoping it won't be so darn dry and hot like last year.
It is a beautiful road. We had plenty of wet down this way, but yes some days were hot. Hopefully we can get out more this year. Sixty hour work weeks have gotten old.
Just checking in to see how you are doing. Post an update if you have time and the inclination.
Happy Spring - from Oregon.
Well hello Trobaritz,
Doing pretty well now thanks. I think we might finally be getting some spring around here. I wonder why my pictures on this post disappeared, strange.
I bought a 2007 Road King late last year so I can do more longer rides. After losing both my folks now, I felt it was time to do some of the rides as I'm not getting any younger myself. My brother from Seattle is getting ready to do the four corners ride so one of my other brothers and I will meet up with him at some point and ride along to Florida and then hopefully the last leg to Maine. We've talked about riding together for so many years now and we all agree we need to get on with it. Seems like we all never had bikes all at the same time - or either running - and now we all have large bikes. Funny, we all struggled in the past to even have just one bike and keep it going, let alone two a piece now we can ride.
Hope all is very well with you both. Great to hear from you. Yikes, I really should do some more posts on this page.
Wonderful and mesmerizing roads. Thank you for sharing.
Ns 160 Price in Nepal
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