My Most Recent Magazine Article
The cover |
The Article
I'm playing around with my new blog formatting here trying to get used to all the new features. So this is a first of trying to do this sort of thing. Getting the pictures just how I want them placed and so forth is an experiment. You can enlarge the article to read it though the posting isn't exactly up to snuff it at least allows for posting it. My camera work has some issues but hey, I was working without a net. |
I had the angle of the magazine off here. Oh well, ya live, experiment and learn.
Dude, you're taking to yourself! I think you've been snowed in to long.
This is great Wooley! You are published! Now just get that camera thing down :)
I too had a Briggs & Stratton mini bike with no brakes. Crashed it almost every day. Got to love them days when you could crash all the time and not care.
I agree, women mechanics are HOT!
Congrats on the piece Bro. I’d like to see it turn into a monthly column. I’ll read it. Just get that camera thing worked out, OK? And don’t forget the royalty check!
I appreciate it K.t. The article was actually written and turned in but wasn't used until what...year and a half to two years later or something. I'll keep practicing with the camera.
Willy, Thanks and those briggs were fun and cheap.
Hot! Yea (sigh)
royalty check?
Hey Wooley...
Congrats on getting published! I know how that goes with the delay...and they never tell ya they've accepted it...just publish and send a check...nice to see the check in the mail...then you scramble to find the publication...
As for the camera stuff, you can help yourself out by getting a free account with a free photo editing AP on line. There are loads of them so you can "straighten" out the photos that appear crooked. No worries, I so enjoy your work here.
OK. We won’t call it a royalty check. We’ll call it a carbon-offset tax. As long as it don’t bounce, I’m happy :)
Chessie, Good to hear from you and thank you.
I'll check out the camera editing AP's. This camera has so many features and a good program with it and I'm playing around with them and trying to get it all down. It's all new to me being from the old point and click variety of the past. I did learn that different cards have differing speeds for faster shots.
Willy, ok then a carbon-offset tax. That'll work.
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